Why hire a trainer?


woman kneeling beside man
woman kneeling beside man

There are several benefits to working with a personal trainer and it has been found that 97% of people are more likely to achieve their fitness goals when they hire a personal trainer.

Losing weight is a common problems faced by many Americans. Working with a personal trainer who can build a custom workout plan based on your body type and personal goals can make the most of the time spent working out.

Nutrition is an important part of any weight loss or muscle building plan. A personal trainer can help offer suggestions on the ideal meal plans to achieve your goals.

Perhaps you have reached your goal weight with basic diet and exercise, but hiring a personal trainer can improve your overall fitness and physique. A personal trainer can focus on stretch training and muscle building exercises tailored to your body and build.

Overall athletic performance can be greatly improved through training with a fitness instructor. Not only can the one-on-one fitness sessions help build endurance, but the sports partner program offered at fit615 can get you that extra practice time to perfect certain techniques.

Recovery from an injury or medical procedure can be significantly better with help from a personal trainer. Additionally, a personal trainer can assist with managing chronic illnesses like arthritis, diabetes and osteoporosis. Having a professional to ensure proper technique and form while pushing you without straining or causing further injury can be most helpful.

Lastly, one of the top reasons to hire a personal trainer is for accountability reasons. When you schedule time with someone, you are more likely to show up and much less likely to make excuses to not put in the work. A trainer can track your progress to ensure you are making the most of every session, while making adjustments to your fitness plan based on any life changes or goal adjustments.